Monday, September 3, 2007

MODELLING: Blood Angels Tactical squad two

Just a small amount of progress in this post. I've put six sets of legs on bases for my second Tactical squad. Here's the proof.

You can see a lot of bits and bobs from the Battle for MaCragge set behind the marines. I could use these for Cityfight strategems or just simply for terrain. Like the other MaCragge models, they were lousy with mould lines which was a particular problem with the fiendishly shaped field generators. I still have two more of these buggers to clean up. I may tackle them tomorrow as well as building more marines.

I have posted my first battle report up here. Appropriately enough it involves an earlier incarnation of my Blood Angels. It'll take a while before I fill the site up with reports and all the fancy links and stuff in the side bar.

See you tomorrow.

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