I worked a six day week this week and I couldn't make my regular Tuesday night gaming session. In and around work I spent some of my spare time playing Football Manager on my Playstation Portable. This is a highly addictive game and I find it difficult to put down; I always have to play the next match. I whizzed through three seasons in as many days and took Huddersfield from potential relegation to the second division all the way to the Premiership. Now I just need to tear myself away...
I'm off to the Lake District shortly for a bit of a walking holiday, so I've been out hiking to get back into shape. The last couple of weekends I've been tramping around Blanchland, getting blisters and toughening up my feet. Here's a pic I took today.
During a lunch hour I wrote up some of my thoughts about the responsibilities both players have during a game. This was sparked by a couple of games I played recently (and wrote battle reports about on this website). Once I've knocked it into shape I'll post it up here and on the Warhammer Forum and try and generate some discussion.
I've also been re-reading The Battle for Armageddon. I'm halfway through chapter five of five. When I finish it I'll post up a review.
My wallet has taken a real hammering. First, my White Dwarf subscription ended so I had to renew it. Since I was on the Games Workshop store site I picked up a set of the new foundation paints too. Second, I got a heads up that the Black Library, Games Workshop's publishing wing, were having a sale. I took a gander round the site and found some real bargains. Third, I got my latest Forgeworld newsletter which announced the pre-orders for the Siege of Vraks were available. Since I had already bought a batch of the renegade militia models I just had to buy the book. That relieved me of £40+.
Finally, I have managed to get in a wee bit of painting. I put together my five Marauder Horsemen (converting them to carry flails). I also constructed my four War hounds. I drybrushed all the bases and then concentrated on the hounds to try and get them finished first.
I painted them up in slightly different colours from my last batch, the idea being I don't want them all to be uniform in appearance. This lot I overbrushed Scorched Brown, then drybrushed them Bestial Brown with another drybrush of Bubonic Brown. A mix of Flesh wash and Brown Ink tied all the layers together. I'm hoping to have these doggies finished before my next game on Tuesday night so I'll be able to field two units of five.
Thanks for reading.
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