The first thing I had to do was sort out the movement trays for my embiggened army. You may have noticed I used unpainted and incorrectly sized bases in some of my earlier battle reports. The horror!
A lot of cutting and hacking later and I had completed three trays. I added some plasti-card underneath the bases to hold everything together then I glued sand to the edges. I undercoated everything black then painted Graveyard Earth over everything. Here is how they looked at that stage.
I then drybrushed Codex Grey over the textured bits followed by Fortress Grey. Another coat of Graveyard Earth tidied up the interiors. Here is what I ended up with.
The bases are now adequate for the tabletop but still need some love to finish them completely. I plan to add some static grass and snow flock shortly.
I had procrastinated enough. Now I had to tackle the 16 man unit. I had initially decided to paint them in five man batches and had painted all the metallics on the command models and a couple of others. I change tack when I found that I'd be able to have a couple of extended painting sessions. I decided to paint them all at once.
My first job was to get all the models up to the same level so I broke out the metallic paints. A couple of hours later I applied the washes and had a break. My next session took another couple of hours to get the flesh basecoat on. I used the Tallarn foundation paint and then washed it with a Flesh Wash. It's a little dark and messy but it'll do to get the models onto the battlefield.
After another break I then tackled the next big surfaces; the cloth. I experimented with the foundation paints again, this time with Knarloc Green. It's a lovely, vibrant colour and went straight over the black in one coat. I washed this down with an Ork Wash. Like the skin I wouldn't consider the cloth anywhere near complete but it will enable me to get the models into the game.
Here are the fruits of my labours so far.
Below is a close up. You can see how rough the models are in this photo.
Other areas that need some paint are the wood on the weapons, the ropes and skulls, the boots and the hair. I'll try and get that done before my next game.
Wish me luck.
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